04 October 2009

An Introduction

Do you ever have moments when you over-hear a conversation, or see something on TV or someone just says something completely ridiculous to you and you really need to voice your opinion about it? That tends to happen to me a lot. And you might think I'm vain, but I just like to call myself a realist when I say I feel my opinion matters enough to be shared with as many people as possible. More like it needs to be shared with as many people as possible because most of the time, I'm right.  I invite you to challenge me if you feel you disagree with what I have to say, but I've found that although people tend to find that challenge inviting, they usually fail at coming up with how or why or even when I'm wrong.

So why Parliaments and Tea Leaves?  Parliaments because when I get really passionate about something, when I get really riled up, I reach for my pack of Parliament Extra Lights I brought back with me from Russia this summer. (Yes, I'm Russian.) It helps me calm down, gather my thoughts, and I just like smoking.  To please to anti-smokers out there: I'm quitting.  But not really because I want to.  I simply don't have the money right now to be buying cigarettes.  Especially not the imported ones.  And American tobacco tastes like shit.  So when I finish these cigarettes I brought back (I think I might have 4 packs left), I'm done smoking completely.  Tea Leaves just because I drink tea. A lot.  Even now I'm at a hookah bar, smoking my strawberry-mint hookah, blogging, drinking chai.  That's just me.

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